+254 755 555 555 info@safarikenyatours.com
+254 755 555 555 info@safarikenyatours.com

Best time to go on a Kenyan Safari

What is the best time to go on safari? Wildlife can be seen at all times of the year, but the migration pattern of the big herbivores, which in turn attract the big predators, are likely to be a major factor in deciding when to go. From July to October, huge herds of wildebeests and zebras cross from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the Masai Mara. Amboseli also sees huge herds at this time. This is probably prime viewing time as the land is parched, the vegetation has died back and the animals are obliged to come to drink at the ever-shrinking waterholes. However, most safari companies increase their rates at this time. The long rains from March to June and the short rains from October to November transform the National Parks into a lush carpet of greenery. It is very scenic but it does provide much more cover for the wildlife to hide behind and the rain can turn the tracks into impassable mush. Safaris may be impossible on the lowland parks during either rainy season.